Specification for the E-ARK Content Information Type Specification for 3D Product Model Data (CITS 3DPM)

Content Information Type Specification for 3D Product Model Data (CITS 3DPM)

Use of 3D data is widespread across many domains, with a plethora of applications and data formats and as the first in a family of 3D content specifications, the CITS 3D PM limits its scope to the area of 3D digital product data such as computer aided design (CAD) or product data model (PDM) data. There is a international standard for the long term archiving of this class of data in the LOTAR “Long Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product information”,  developed within the engineering domain and published as the EN and NAS 9300 series. However, although LOTAR extensively references and  extends ISO 14721 the “Open reference model for Archiving Information System”, (OAIS) it does not extend into areas detailed in the E-ARK common specification for information packages (CSIP) and the CITS 3DPM therefore draws on this standard to facilitate the archiving of 3D Product Model data packages which can be LOTAR conformant if desired.

Guideline (Primer) for CITS 3DPM

This guideline (primer) describes the 3DPM Content Information Type Specification (CITS) and provides background, contextual information to aid comprehension. Some notes regarding the scope of implementation are included, but in most cases, this will not be sufficient to explain how the specification will be applied, due to the complexity of each system. The guideline will be an evolving document, and thoroughly explained examples will be added continuously.


This METS profile describes the root METS requirements for the 3DPM Content Information Type Specification (CITS).


This METS profile describes the representation METS requirements for the 3DPM Content Information Type Specification (CITS).


Used standards

  • LOTAR (EN/NAS 9300)
  • ISO 10303, the Standard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP).
  • General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EU (GDPR)
  • Data Entity Dictionary Specification Language (DEDSL) ‒ XML/DTD: ISO 22643:2003 (CCSDS 647.3-B-1:2002)
  • Information technology ‒ Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) ‒ Part 3: Rule-based validation – Schematron: ISO/IEC 19757-3:2016 (ISO standard)
  • Common Specification for Information Packages (CS IP)
  • E-ARK Submission Information Package (E-ARK SIP)


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